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A Mover's Guide to Decluttering Your House

  • By koonichiwa |
  • Oct 13, 2020


There are many reasons for decluttering one’s house. For some, it is a periodical activity that tidies up the place, relieving stress and giving them a sense of control/accomplishment, while for others, it is a necessary endeavor in order to free up much-needed space. 


Decluttering is as much a mental process as it is a physical one. Moving house often presents the opportunity to purge the junk from one’s house, since one often has to weigh the importance of the goods that they’re moving. 


What is clutter and why is it bad for you?

Clutter is anything in your living space that adds no additional value to your life. Clutter zaps one’s energy as they often waste inordinate amounts of time digging through it looking for things they can’t find. In  extreme cases of hoarding, it can also be a fire hazard and present other health complications where mold and dust are present.


Why declutter your house?

i. Easier Organization of house

You are able to work out different designs and organize your space easily.
Suddenly, finding stuff is simpler. Things are no longer just “disappearing”
You can really walk around your home and enjoy the space, rather than
pushing around stuff that’s in the way.


ii. Easier to clean

With less clutter, cleaning becomes easier, and less items collect dust due to disuse.


iii. Less stress


With a lot of clutter in your house, you may find it hard to look for things you want. It can even get overwhelming to the point where activities are crippled. Decluttering makes your life easier.


iv. Financial freedom

Clutter comes from buying things we don’t need. Once you declutter, you buy only what you need thus save money on other important needs.


v. More space

You get more space for your kids to play in or finally get that pool table that you wanted. The added space also has the effect of making the house look bigger.


Here are tips on decluttering: –

1. Create a decluttering checklist

When you have a plan of what you need to do and where you need to get started, it is much easier to declutter.


2. Do a room each day

Decluttering can be tiresome. In order to make it feel less like a burden, take your time and go room by room. Working on one room at a time helps keep the focus on a particular place, plus you can actually take the time to reminisce about the contents and why they mean so much to you.


3. Use the Four-Box Method



This method works perfectly when decluttering when moving. Get four boxes and label them: trash, give away, keep, or re-locate. Enter any room in your home and place each item into one of the following boxes. Don’t skip a single item, no matter how insignificant you may think it is.


4. Donate



Gather all the items that are in good condition but you seldom use. You can then give them away to either family, friends or charity.


5. Take before and after photos



Choose one part of your home and take a picture of a small place, like your kitchen counter. Then tidy up the space and take a photo afterwards. When you see the impact on a small part of your home, it motivates you to uncover the rest, making the process more enjoyable.


6. Get help from a friend

Sometimes you are just hoarding and need a different perspective to see if some things are truly important. Have a friend or family member go through your home and suggest a handful of big items to throw away or give to someone else. 


7. Have a garage sale

Some of the clutter in your house is actually tying up your cash. You may have spent a pretty penny on them, but hardly ever use them. You can reduce the financial loss on your part by selling them at a lower cost. Selling used items is a lot easier because of the internet, thanks to platforms like Jiji, Craigslist, and even Facebook Groups.


8. Clean your space



After decluttering, clean and organize your house. It also helps you see what you got rid of, what you have and what you are missing. You can even redesign the entire house to give it a different feel.


No matter which decluttering tip you choose to get started, the goal is to take your first step in decluttering your life with excitement behind it. There is a beautiful world of freedom and fresh breath hiding behind that clutter. Deciding how to declutter your home is up to you.