The average person moves 11 times throughout their lifetime. As such, it is prudent to identify a trustworthy and reliable moving partner whom you can call upon whenever you’re moving. Someone that you know will take good care of your goods and make your move as seamless as possible. As with all long-term relationships, the success of the relationship all depends on how well the parties understand each other. We go to great lengths to understand our clients’ needs and strive to meet them promptly, but with this article, we would like to flip the script a little and help our clients understand us movers and the various challenges we face in the field. We at Nellions are very proud to have an energetic and creative team of movers who are able to think of solutions quickly, bolstered with robust support from HQ, but a client was recently able to appreciate these challenges in one of the most brilliant displays of empathy we have ever witnessed:
Client Tension
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This client – Ms. Ombaka – found us after an extensive online search. She eventually settled on Nellions because of all the positive reviews we’ve received from past clients. However, she was still wary going in since she had previously moved with other unscrupulous movers who stole her goods and actually boldly asked to be given wine. But with Nellions she found our movers to be polite, well-trained, and professional at all times. They were helpful and friendly, but did not act over-familiar with her. She really appreciated their professional demeanour.
Rain is one of those things that makes moving even harder. Ms. Ombaka’s move started on a particularly one rainy December 2019 morning. She was impressed that we still managed to keep time despite the downpour, but the rain wasn’t much of a hindrance that day. Although we did have an incident on the same week when one of our trucks got stuck during a move in the Maasai Mara. Luckily some locals helped pull us out and rest of the move went on smoothly. This article offers a concise guide on moving during the rainy season.

Construction Obstacles
Narrow hallways, low-hanging beams, cramped spaces, uneven shapes … these can present problems when moving particularly large or complex furniture – as Ms. Ombaka discovered when her fridge couldn’t fit through the kitchen door. But that was no problem to our swiss-army-knife team of movers. They simply took the fridge apart, unhinged the kitchen door, carried it into the kitchen, fixed the door, re-assembled the fridge, and installed it. In case you’re wondering, the fridge is still working.
Going above and beyond
Ms. Ombaka’s goods were too voluminous to be carried in one trip, so we had to do a second trip to finish carrying everything in very harsh weather. Our team was energetic and maintained relaxed and smiling faces despite the laborious work. The new house had a black out on the day she moved, which made it impossible to use the electrical tools needed to finish setting up her household. We sent someone over the next day to finish the installation at no extra charge. Because we believe a job is not finished until it is done right – regardless of the challenges.
Client Graciousness
Okay, this isn’t a problem, but it’s worth noting. Our team finished the move (pending the electrical installations) late at night. The client was very appreciative of their efforts and generously made them supper – she wanted them to just go home and rest without worrying about preparing meals. All displays of kindness and humanity are always heartening, and we would just like to say that we really appreciate Ms. Ombaka and all the other clients who have taken it upon themselves to appreciate our movers’ work by offering them refreshments and displaying other humane acts. May good fortune always follow you.
We take great effort to equip our movers with the skills required to handle a myriad of challenges, because we understand that no matter how well you are prepared, in moving unexpected challenges tend to pop up quite frequently.
Are you moving home, office, or relocating abroad? Try Nellions today for the ultimate moving experience. Generate your quote for free at