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How to Treat Your Movers

  • By koonichiwa |
  • Dec 02, 2019


Have you ever given thought to how you treat the people that move you? They spend an entire day (sometimes multiple days) rifling through your belongings, sorting and placing each individual item where it belongs. You spend a significant chunk of your moving day with them, and at the end of it, they know so much about you, but you may not even know their names.


What’s the protocol for interacting with your movers? Over time, we have found that keeping a few things in mind will keep you courteous and upbeat throughout all the bustle and hassle of moving day:


1. Be Punctual

Please stick to the agreed upon time schedule. Time is everything in the moving industry. We usually have very tight schedules and timed targets for every move just as agreed before confirmation of the moves. These schedules take into account factors like, what time the family settles in, traffic and weather conditions, plus the time required to do the actual move. As such, we are extremely keen on time management.


If you may not be available for the move at the specified time, you can make arrangements with us to have a proxy present for the move. If the move cannot happen altogether for one reason or another, kindly inform us of the situation as soon as possible. We allow cancellations up to 24 hours before the confirmed move time.


2. Make them feel welcome

Sure, they’re not really your guests, but you will spend a fair amount of time with each other during the move. Greet them politely and welcome them warmly when they arrive at your house. Introduce other people present in your household and your pets as well, then appraise them about what will be moved. Show them around your house, ask if they need anything, and inquire if they have questions. Keep in mind that movers are humans, and moving is a physically strenuous job, so at some point we will break for lunch to keep our energy levels up.


IMPORTANT: If you can, try to remember their names. At the very least, identify the Move Captain. Above all else, remember that politeness goes a long way in getting you excellent service.


3. Keep an Open Line of Communication

Avail yourself to questions. Ensure that the movers understand that they can approach you for clarifications. A lot of things will require your attention, so don’t be ticked off if we make some inquiries – we just want to provide you with the best possible service. And despite all the careful planning in the world, confusions, mistakes, misunderstandings and accidents are bound to happen. We ask for some bit of patience with you in this regard. Should anything unforeseen arise during the move, kindly inform the Move Captain about it, and we will be able to address it.


If you may have questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to share them as well. We encourage open communication to minimize confusion and address all issues.


4. Let them do their job

You hired professional movers – let us do our job. We do this daily, so rest assured that we know what we’re doing, and the move will happen much faster if we’re trusted. Ask questions if you need to, but please don’t micro-manage us every step of the way. This can also cause the movers to be distracted and tensed hence leading to injuries.


5. Carry Your Valuables and Personal Items

Valuables and items of personal nature can be potentially problematic down the road. Not to mention that they’re usually kept under lock and key. We advise our clients to make arrangements to carry these items themselves and not leave them to the movers. These items include:

  • Cash
  • Jewelry
  • Wills
  • Prescription medication
  • Laptops/phones/tablets
  • Family heirlooms
  • Cheque books
  • Travel documents e.g. passports


6. Appreciate Good Work

We love hearing back from our happy customers. We enjoy all the emails, tele-conversations and Google reviews that we receive talking about how pleased they are with our work. These commendations show us that we’re actually making a meaningful impact on the world and encourage us to be better. The best reviews are the ones where they mention the individual movers who stood out to them. We take special note of these, and we take great effort to reward those employees.

Movers aren’t usually expecting to be tipped, so when you do, it really makes their day 😊😊


Remember, moving is a human activity. We do our best, but we’re not perfect. However, open communication, courteousness, and a little understanding go a long way into making your moving experience smooth and memorable.


