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Breaking Barriers: The Rising Role of Female Movers in the Kenyan Moving Industry

  • By Nellions |
  • Mar 08, 2024

The moving industry, traditionally perceived as a male-dominated field, is witnessing a significant shift. Women are not only entering this industry in greater numbers but are also redefining the roles and expectations within it. This article explores the evolving landscape of the moving industry, highlighting the challenges, triumphs, and contributions of female movers.


Historical Context: Women in the Global Relocations Industry

The Kenyan moving industry, much like its global counterparts, has long been a male-dominated field. Historically, the physical demands of the job and societal norms steered women away from roles in this sector. 


However, the narrative began to change as societal perceptions of gender roles evolved. The late 20th century saw a gradual increase in women taking on roles that were once considered unconventional for them, including those in logistics and the moving industry. 


In the early days, female participation was mostly confined to administrative and customer service roles within moving companies. However, a few trailblazers defied the odds, taking on roles as packers and movers. These pioneers paved the way for more women to see the moving industry as a viable career option, gradually shifting the gender dynamics in this sector.


Current State of Female Participation in the Moving Industry 

Today, the landscape in Kenya’s moving industry is gradually but perceptibly changing. While still a minority, women are increasingly visible in all aspects of the moving industry. 


While exact statistics on female participation are scarce, moving companies in urban centers like Nairobi and Mombasa are increasingly employing women in various capacities, including as movers and packers. This shift is not just about numbers; it’s about the changing attitudes towards women in traditionally male-dominated roles.


Women are bringing a fresh perspective to the moving process, often focusing on aspects like customer care, meticulous packing, and organization, which greatly enhance the moving experience for clients. Companies like Nellions are at the forefront of this change, embracing gender diversity in their workforce.


Notable female leaders and entrepreneurs are also emerging in the industry, running successful moving companies and breaking the glass ceiling. These women are not just participants; they are influencers and decision-makers, shaping the future of the moving industry in Kenya. Notable figures, such as Danielle Cribassi, CEO of Niofar Executive Relocation, have become role models, showcasing that women can excel and lead in this field.


Challenges Faced by Women in the Moving Industry 

Despite the progress, female movers in Kenya continue to face significant challenges. One of the primary obstacles is the physical nature of the job. Moving heavy items and long hours of physical labor are demanding, and women in this field often have to work harder to prove their capabilities.


Beyond the physical challenges, societal stereotypes remain a significant barrier. The perception that moving is a job better suited for men can lead to biases in hiring and workplace culture. Women often report feeling the need to constantly prove their worth and competence in a way their male counterparts are not required to.


Another challenge is the lack of representation and mentorship. With fewer women in the industry, especially in leadership roles, aspiring female movers have fewer role models to look up to. This lack of mentorship can impact career growth and the development of a supportive professional network.



In an industry traditionally dominated by male workers, the Kenyan moving industry is witnessing a remarkable shift. Women are not only entering this field but are also redefining it with their unique skills and perspectives. This article explores the evolving landscape of the moving industry in Kenya, highlighting the significant yet often underappreciated role of female movers.


The Unique Strengths Women Bring to the Industry 

Nellions’ Warehouse Manager, Mover Martha during a routine stock evaluation


Despite these challenges, women are making a significant impact in the moving industry in Kenya. Their presence brings a range of strengths and skills that are transforming the industry.


  • Enhanced perspectives: Female movers are able to bring unique viewpoints when addressing various concerns that male movers might not otherwise consider. This presents compelling solutions that add up to better client experiences.


Read more: House Hunting: Differences in Priorities Between Men and Women | Nellions Moving and Relocations Company 


  • Attention to Detail: Women movers often excel in tasks that require meticulous attention to detail. This includes careful packing and handling of delicate items, ensuring that clients’ belongings are transported safely and securely.


  • Customer Service: Female movers tend to have strong interpersonal skills, which are invaluable in customer service. They often excel in understanding and addressing clients’ concerns, leading to higher customer satisfaction.


  • Innovative Problem-Solving: Women bring diverse perspectives to the moving industry, often leading to innovative solutions to logistical challenges. This diversity of thought is crucial for the growth and evolution of the industry.


  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Women often foster a collaborative work environment, which can lead to more efficient and effective moving processes. This teamwork can enhance the overall performance of the moving company.


The inclusion of women in the moving industry is not just a matter of equity; it’s a strategic advantage. Their unique strengths and perspectives are essential for companies that want to provide exceptional service and stay competitive in the market.


Functions in Moving Where Women Excel 


In the moving industry, there are specific functions where women have shown exceptional aptitude, often outperforming their male counterparts. These areas highlight the unique strengths women bring to the moving process:

  • Customer Service and Communication: Women often excel in roles that require strong communication skills and empathy. Their ability to understand and respond to client needs enhances customer satisfaction.
  • Detail-Oriented Packing: Women’s attention to detail is particularly beneficial in packing. They are adept at carefully wrapping delicate items and organizing belongings in a way that maximizes space and minimizes damage.
  • Inventory Management: Women are often more meticulous in inventory management, ensuring that items are accurately logged and tracked throughout the moving process.
  • Interior Planning and Housekeeping: Women’s skills in aesthetics and space planning come in handy during the unpacking and setup phase, helping clients to quickly feel at home in their new space.
  • Administrative and Coordination Roles: Women are well-suited for roles that require multitasking and coordination, such as managing moving schedules, logistics, and overseeing the entire moving process.


How Professional Moving Companies Are Supporting Female Movers 

In response to the growing number of women in the moving industry, companies in Kenya are beginning to implement supportive measures. These initiatives are crucial for creating an inclusive and equitable work environment.

  • Recruitment and Training Programs: Some companies are actively recruiting women and providing them with the necessary training to excel in their roles. This includes physical training to handle the demands of the job and skills training in areas like customer service and logistics.
  • Creating a Safe and Inclusive Workplace: Ensuring a safe work environment is paramount. This includes implementing strict policies against harassment and discrimination, and providing safety gear and equipment tailored to women’s needs.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Recognizing the need for work-life balance, especially for women who may have caregiving responsibilities, some companies are offering flexible work schedules. This flexibility can help women manage their personal and professional commitments more effectively.
  • Mentorship and Career Development: To address the lack of female representation in leadership roles, mentorship programs are being introduced. These programs pair aspiring female movers with experienced professionals, providing guidance and support for career advancement.


The Future of Women in Moving 

The future looks promising for women in Kenya’s moving industry. As societal attitudes continue to evolve and companies become more inclusive, we can expect to see more women not only joining the industry but also taking up leadership roles.

  • Increased Representation: With continued support and innovation, the number of women in the moving industry is expected to grow, leading to more diverse and inclusive workplaces.
  • Technological Advancements: As the industry embraces technology, new opportunities are emerging that may be particularly appealing to women, such as logistics planning and customer relationship management.
  • Policy and Advocacy: There is a growing recognition of the need for policies that support women in the workforce. This includes legislation for equal pay, anti-discrimination laws, and initiatives promoting women’s participation in all sectors.
  • Changing Perceptions: As more women excel in the moving industry, societal perceptions will likely continue to shift, breaking down gender stereotypes and opening up more opportunities for women.

The role of women in Kenya’s moving industry is not just about participation; it’s about transformation. As women continue to break barriers and contribute their skills and perspectives, they are not only enriching the industry but also paving the way for future generations.


Nellions’ Approach to Empowering Female Movers 

Move Consultant Maggie teaches a class during a past training session

Nellions Moving & Relocations, a prominent player in Kenya’s moving industry, stands out for its progressive approach to gender inclusivity. The company’s strategy in integrating women into its workforce serves as a model for others in the industry.

  • Diverse Roles for Women: At Nellions, women are employed in various capacities, from administrative and management roles to hands-on moving tasks. This diversity in roles demonstrates the company’s commitment to leveraging the unique strengths women bring to each aspect of the moving process.
  • Training and Professional Development: Nellions invests in comprehensive training programs for its female employees, ensuring they are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their roles. This focus on professional development empowers women to advance in their careers within the company.
  • Creating a Supportive Work Environment: Understanding the challenges women face in a traditionally male-dominated industry, Nellions fosters a supportive and respectful work environment. This includes measures to ensure safety, prevent harassment, and promote a culture of equality and respect.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Nellions is proactive in creating pathways for women to ascend to leadership positions within the company. By doing so, they not only promote gender diversity in their leadership ranks but also inspire other women in the industry.



The role of women in the moving industry in Kenya is evolving rapidly, breaking long-standing gender norms and contributing significantly to the sector’s growth. Companies like Nellions are leading the way in this transformation, showcasing the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce. 


As more women enter and thrive in this industry, they not only enhance the moving experience for clients but also pave the way for future generations of women to succeed in this field. The journey is ongoing, but the progress made thus far is a testament to the resilience, skill, and invaluable contributions of women in the moving industry.


Final Thoughts 

The integration of women into the moving industry is more than a trend; it’s a necessary evolution. As the industry continues to grow and adapt to the changing needs of society, the inclusion of women will be key to its success. Their participation brings a wealth of perspectives, skills, and strengths that are essential for the industry’s continued innovation and excellence.