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Do I Need Moving Insurance In Kenya?

What is moving insurance?

Simply put, a moving policy covers damages or losses that may occur during a move – either with a moving company or by yourself. 


Imagine having extremely expensive household or office items, and they get damaged or lost during a move. Moving insurance can sort this quite quickly – where either the item is replaced or repaired without you having to cover the costs from your pocket. 


Moving Insurance & Insured Movers

In Kenya, the only statutory requirements for companies are work injury (commonly referred to as WIBA covering employees’ injuries) and motor vehicle. The reality is that some companies (especially the small ones, in which many removal companies fall) do not even take WIBA insurance. This means that if one of their movers got injured by your fridge during a move he/she could easily file a suit against you. You need to engage a moving company that is sufficiently insured to care for the unforeseen risks.


At Nellions we have covers like public liability, professional liability, all risk, fidelity, WIBA, warehouse insurance, vehicles, etc.


Goods-In-Transit (G.I.T) Insurance

Even when your preferred moving company is sufficiently insured it is advisable to take a Goods In Transit Insurance (GIT) cover for your items during the move.


You’ve invested and sacrificed much in the acquisition of all your belongings: furniture, electronics, painting, books, clothes, etc. All this can easily go up in smoke in a nasty road accident.


Thankfully, GIT insurance covers are an inexpensive way to protect the investment of your home. They cover accidental losses that might occur during the move and, based on your declaration of the value of your goods (made before move commencement), should anything happen, you will get compensation for losses experienced.


The best moving companies understand their clients’ concerns and should be able to provide you with such insurance solutions. Should you come across one moving company that is completely clueless about this or one that says that their quote is inclusive of GIT insurance without providing any more information or even seeking to know the value of your goods, then you are being taken for a song.


At Nellions, all moves are automatically covered by a Goods-In-Transit insurance cover for transit within East Africa. This cover, subject to client declaration, protects goods with a value of up to Ksh 8 million. If your belongings exceed this value, you’ll have to top up an additional amount for your premium.


When you choose Nellions to carry out your move, you can rest assured that losses and damages are the last things you have to worry about. Give us a call today at +254 700 000 002 for a FREE moving quote and learn how our insurance covers your move. 


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